Angelina County Road & Bridge Department
Road Condition Report 2023

The attached files are a list of paved roads and road conditions in each precinct of the County. Note that roads may be broken into multiple segments. A Pavement Condition Index (PCI) has been developed for each segment. The PCI is shown in a scale from 0 to 100, with 0 being the worst condition and 100 being the best. A PCI of 0-25 indicates a road that is in very poor condition and a PCI of 25-40 represents a road in poor condition. Road improvements will be scheduled each year based on the following criteria:

  • The PCI. Focus on a PCI less than 25.
  • Traffic load. Some roads will be selected each year based on the amount of traffic and may have a higher PCI than other roads with limited traffic.
  • Roads will be selected from each precinct. Funding will be allocated to each precinct based on a prorated amount determined by the number of miles of pavement/precinct.
  • Roads scheduled for improvement each year will be presented to the Commissioners Court by the Road Administrator based on the above criteria.
  • Changes in scheduled improvements may occur during the year depending on changing conditions.

Please report any identified road name or precinct location errors to the Road & Bridge Department at 936-630-3233.

Please note that the conditions study only includes paved roads. Dirt or gravel roads are not included. The study should be repeated every 5 years depending on available funding.

Use any of the below links to view the road condition reports

Alphabetical Order – All Precincts Precinct #1Precinct #2Precinct #3Precinct #4